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Autonomous driving, the first driverless electric robobus arrives in Turin

robobus Torino

Autonomous driving, the first driverless electric robobus arrives in Turin

A fully self-driving electric robobus will soon be running on the streets of Turin, offering transport services over short distances.

Ad annunciarlo è lo sviluppatore cinese, Guizhou Hankaisi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (PIX Moving) – a Chinese autonomous driving start-up – will collaborate with Tecnocad, an Italian provider of mobile travel solutions, to develop the service.

How the electric self-driving robobus will work

The all-electric vehicle has no traditional bus components such as the driver’s cab, steering wheel, pedals or rear-view mirrors, and is designed symmetrically, with no distinction between front and rear, making it easy to move in both directions.

It can reach a maximum speed of 30 km per hour and can carry a total of six passengers, with a range of 100-130 km on a single charge.

The company PIX Moving – which has already taken its driverless minibus on the roads of Spain, Japan, the United States and India – has already obtained a licence to test and operate autonomous driving vehicles on public roads approved by the regulatory authorities of the city of Turin.

The autonomous minibus will then undergo field tests before going into service. Depending on demand, more may come in the future.

Source: Class