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PDays 2024: on May 30 and 31 in Florence the 4th edition of the most important event dedicated to Mobility and Parking organized by AIPARK. Urban logistics at the center with a speech by Paola Cossu, CEO FIT

PDays 2024: on May 30 and 31 in Florence the 4th edition of the most important event dedicated to Mobility and Parking organized by AIPARK. Urban logistics at the center with a speech by Paola Cossu, CEO FIT

The wait is over: on May 30 and 31, the 4th Edition of PDays organized by AIPARK – Associazione Italiana Operatori Sosta e Mobilità (Italian Association of Parking and Mobility Operators) will be held in Florence, at the prestigious venue of Stazione Leopolda, an annual and unmissable event dedicated to the theme of parking and management of urban spaces, undoubtedly the most strategic sector for the reorganization and innovation of services for the city.

The event will be divided into 6 sessions, with high-profile speakers, dedicated to the topics of parking and mobility, separated by several moments of networking and discussion among participants.

Paola Cossu, CEO FIT and member of the AIPARK 2024 Scientific Committee coordinated by AIPARK Secretary General Laurence A. Bannerman, will speak on Thursday, May 30 during the opening panel of the event “Rethinking Italian cities by enhancing the parking service: experts’ common vision for reshaping cities.”


  • Paola Cossu, CEO FIT and Chair of urban logistics at ALICE
  • Fabio Mosconi, AIPARK vice president and director of parking, parking and control ATM SPA Milan
  • Roberto Carreri, expert in digital technologies for the development of public and private mobility
  • Giuliano Mingardo, Deputy Director Erasmus Center For Urban, Port and Transport Economics (UPT), Erasmus University of Rotterdam
  • Francesco Naso, Secretary General MOTUS-E
  • Proto Tilocca, Director of investee companies of CTM SPA, coordinates the operational activities of the companies ITS Città Metropolitana and PARKAR

Also on Thursday, May 30, at 2:30 p.m., Paola Cossu will moderate Session 3: “Innovation: the Stakeholders’ Word.”

At 4:15 p.m. appointment with the Panel “Digitization and Data: the Integration of Plans and Services” – Session 4, moderated by Giuliano Mingardo, which will see Paola Cossu among the panelists together with Giorgio Fanesi (MyCicero), Proto Tilocca (CTM Spa), Roberto Carreri (expert in digital technologies for mobility development), Lorenzo Tavazzi (The European House – Ambrosetti) and Carlo Garuccio (UnipolMove).

Paola Cossu’s speech will be on “Optimal Use of Urban Spaces for Logistics, Physical Internet and Data Space.”

During the second day, Friday, May 31, in Session 6 scheduled at 11:30 a.m., the European project DISCO, coordinated by FIT, will also be discussed, in which engineer Matteo Banfi, head of the Mobility sector, will speak to present the successful experience of the city of Padua, selected among the 100 Mission cities, the project’s only Italian Living Lab and an example of excellence in urban logistics management since the time of the European project #MOSCOW.

The full agenda for the event (which will be held in Italian) is available by clicking here.

Participation in PDays 2024 is free after registering at the following link: https://services.aimgroup.eu/ASPClient/loginindividual.asp?eventoid=5255