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Electric mobility: 128 new charging points in Emilia-Romagna thanks to the agreement with A2A

The lack of an adequate number of charging stations for electric vehicles is still a major problem for electric mobility, although there is no doubt that there is no lack of attempts and projects to bridge the gap in Italy and, more generally, throughout Europe.

Lastly, the agreement between A2A – a multi-service company operating in the environment, energy, heat and smart city technologies – and the Municipalities of Bentivoglio, Casalecchio di Reno, Ozzano dell’Emilia and Forlì to provide citizens with additional 128 electric car charging points in Emilia-Romagna bringing the total number of sockets available in the provinces of Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia and Forlì-Cesena to 180. The installation of the new columns, as reported by Il Sole 24 Ore, is part of the broader programme for urban and extra-urban electric mobility that the Group will implement in Italy by 2030.

The 10-year strategic plan to contribute to the country’s energy transition and decarbonisation envisages investments of approximately 280 million for the construction of an extensive infrastructure and 22,000 charging points between ultrafast (high power) and CityPlug (low power and overnight) within the decade.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore