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The European DISCO project, coordinated by FIT, in Il Sole 24 Ore

The European DISCO project, coordinated by FIT, in Il Sole 24 Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore, one of the most important Italian daily newspapers dedicated to economics, politics and finance, dedicated an article to the European project DISCO, co-financed by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe programme and coordinated by FIT Consulting.

The article, which appeared in the print edition of Wednesday, 8 May 2024, tells how the project, which is pioneering in accompanying cities and operators through Data Spaces for data sharing, towards the Physical Internet, came into being.

A pioneering project that is facing numerous challenges towards the digitisation of Urban Logistics, as explained Paola Cossu, FIT CEO and project coordinator“Urban freight transport must be integrated within an efficiently managed ‘network of networks’ and there must be a dynamic and flexible use of available space and facilities to synchronise the centre and the suburbs”.
To achieve this, “The four Starring living labs involved in the project,” explained Paola Astegiano, DISCO Project Manager – are introducing innovative measures such as the multifunctional use of infrastructure, identifying available under-utilised areas, the creation of microhubs linked to multimodal transport services, rail and river, and virtuous systems for dynamic access to the city for commercial vehicles’.

Click here to read the article.