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A prestigious European Award for Paola Cossu, CEO of FIT! She won the TRA VISION Competition as Best Senior Researcher for Crossmodality


A prestigious European Award for Paola Cossu, CEO of FIT! She won the TRA VISION Competition as Best Senior Researcher for Crossmodality

She has been recognized for her incredible work on digitalisation process for urban logistics”, saidMrs Ratso, from the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation..

Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024 in Dublin in Dublin could not have ended in a better way: Paola Cossu, CEO FIT, received the coveted TRA VISION Senior Researcher Award for Crossmodal transport, which recognises her incredible work on digital process for urban logistics.

The prize is awarded to outstanding transport researchers engaged in EU-funded projects that have demonstrated a proven impact in their field. Among more than 100 applicant researchers from across Europe, Paola Cossu was the only woman awarded, and the only senior researcher from outside Academics, for this 2024 edition.

A great happiness for the entire FIT Consulting team to receive such an important award from the European Commission, handed over directly by Mrs Signe Ratso, Directorate-General “Research and Innovation”.

“I am so moved, happy and proud for this special Award Being recognized as part of the TRA community is a big challenge. . I promise, I will continue with the same enthusiasm, passion, commitment, and engagement on the edge of innovation. I have dreams and challenges to achieve. The most of them have been realised, but the best is yet to come”, Paola’s words immediately after receiving the (well-deserved) award. A long list of congrats messages from colleagues and partners, all on the same line and happiness for this European prestigious Award!

FIT Consulting is proud of this important recognition and looks forward to achieving new goals for an increasingly cutting-edge and sustainable mobility of people and goods, in keeping with the values that have inspired us for more than two decades.